This is assignment#1

The things i normally do in an average day

I normally wake up at 6:00 to 7:00 AM(when im not oversleeping) and after getting ready to go to school, i go eat breakfast. I normally eat cereal or sometimes a mircowaved burrito. After eating breakfast i play games on my computer until 7:40 then i leave to go to school by bus, but if my mom wants to drop me off then we leave at 7:50. When i arrive at school early i just find an empty place and read manga until i have to go to class, if i haven't arrived early i just make my way to class. Once i have gone through the first three periods in the school, i hang out with my friend chris in the library, we look at memes, talk about many things, and discuss what we might be doing, or what we plan on doing, for that day. After getting through the last three periods i check up on my mom after school by phone to see if she wants to drive me home, if she's not feeling up to it i take the bus, if she is, then she picks me up from school and drives home. When we and/or i arrive home i eat lunch, normally two burritos cooked for 2 minutes in the microwave with swiss cheese, olive oil, black pepper, and hot sauce. As soon as i finish eating i clean up what i ate and go into my room. At that point of time i pet my two cats until they are satisfied. When they're satisfied i finally take off my shoes and sit down in my armchair at my desk. I then play on my computer until 7:00PM to 9:00PM. Then i get called by my mom into the dining room, where i help make dinner and eat it with my family. When we're done eating i clean up the table, get ready to go to sleep, then get into bed, and read manga until i get tired, then i fall asleep.

The things i might eat for dinner

Now i, like many other people, don't eat the same thing for dinner every day. There is quite the variety to the things i eat. I will try to list as many things as possible. I don't eat any one thing at a time so many times i eat more than one thing for dinner, like steak, rice, and vegetables

That's as much as i could think of at the moment